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Beautiful Event Pages

“The growth of our community begins with beautiful event pages.”

Event Pages are the equivalent of a resumé’s cover letter; they will either increase ticket sales and registration rates, or they will turn off your audience. There’s no in-between. We know this, and that’s why we made them as beautiful as they are functional.

Built For Community Builders

Built For Community Builders

Built For Community Builders

Built For Community Builders

Built For Community Builders

Built For Community Builders

Built For Community Builders

Built For Community Builders

Built For Community Builders

Built For Community Builders

Event Pages

Community Pages

Nouri Community Pages give event hosts and community managers a single place to post all their events. We link directly from your website for a simple and seamless navigation experience. Visitors also have the ability to “follow” your community directly from the Community Page. Plus, if you are integrating a CRM to Nouri the possibilities for further engagement and outreach are endless.